This project marks the playful and American-style launch of Nick Child and this website as:
The Forallthat Institute
Learning from America Again: The Non-statutory sector, Couple therapy, Relationship education, Parental alienation
"Learning from America Again" was the title of Nick Child's "window-shop" workshop at the AFT "New Frontiers" Conference, Bristol, 14 Sept 2012 AFT is the Association for Family Therapy and Systemic Practice in the UK. The original audience was UK Family Therapists (FT) but this is of much wider interest. British family therapy got going in the 1970s by learning it mostly from America. In the UK family therapy has evolved in the statutory NHS sector mainly and in its own way since. This is different to North American MFT (Marriage and Family Therapy). Nick suggests FIVE new frontiers for British family therapy to learn from North America (including Canada) again. A few in Britain are already leading the way; now the rest of us must learn more too. Hence the title.
Nick sped by several big topics as if it was a "bus tour window-shop". The aim was to get people to come back for more. If you weren't there, you can get the presentation here and view it again at walking pace. Then email Nick to get those extra resources inside the store.
1. Watch / Download Nick's "Learning from America Again" Presentation Here is the version with Nick's notes as well. If you want to skim through, click on one of the other versions below.
2. Then click here for your "distance learning portal" (DLP) The jazzily named DLP is just a Google document or downloaded PDF of a Word document. It has more explanation from Nick, and graded select online links and resources to work through at your own pace of personal study. In effect Nick has distilled his own recent CPD reading and thinking into a select structured version for CPD for others. But half of it has now been developed further on this website. So skip the DLP sections for Couple Therapy and Parental Alienation and go to the livelier Couple Therapy and Children Resisting Contact pages of this website.
Nick sees this as "personal study" from which he gains no income. So he trusts that the literature linked in these resources support this free access to those interested. Please contact Nick if there are objections to this use.
Here's a couple of the fun pictures from the presentation: