The documents and papers that you can access on this page were developed more specifically in the context of the Lanarkshire CFC service, mostly the Motherwell Team, between the years 1981-2003 when Nick worked there. The generic term for services like ours is: Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (hence "CAMHS")
Most of these were pushed and edited into existence by Nick, but all of them were generally and specifically contributed to by team colleagues too numerous to mention individually. Many were pushed by unwelcome changes from government and management. So thanks to all those who helped! Of course the NHS has moved rapidly on and these may be more of historical or theoretical interest only now.
Some of them are almost spoof, to make a point rather than to actually use; for example, the Clark-Child Mince Scale for rating the quality of meetings - though I gather that Duncan Clark did use it when he become the Lead Clinician for the service!! Some of these relate to the inhouse computer database system Nick Child developed. Some of them are dead serious and are used across all Lanarkshire.
Peripheries of Excellence. . . . Making a Team . . . . Why Live Teams? . . . . A Family Systems Approach to CAMHS Put Simply . . . . . . . 1st Appointment Standards . . . . . Meeting Audit . . . . . Thinking on ADHD . . . . Lanarkshire Protocol and Rationale for ADHD . . . . Brief Core Values . . . . . Core Values Questionnaire . . . . . Full Core Values
Click here to open/download a pdf of Quality Thinking and a Formula They Can't Refuse. This is a short paper originally given at a conference and published in the Psychiatric Bulletin of the Royal College of Psychiatrists. It deconstructs the typical numbers game into a managers logic that the manager cannot argue against!
All feedback is welcome - use the contact form below.
Click these to return to old-style forallthat index pages: Demystification Index . . . . Systemic Practice Index . . . . Nick's Work Index . . . . Nick Child's Play or to the: Forallthat Homepage . . . . The Complete Index