NEWSPromoting the new webpage (latest news first)
Nick has much improved the webpage (end of October) following richly helpful meetings at JSC with Sheriff Tom Welsh, and with Ian Maxwell of FNFS. Thanks and credit to them. Nick writes: "The new blogger is anonymous and genderless too. And that allows her (my guess!) to be a great complement to this webpage on CRC. The blog is deeply careful, neutral and reasonable as it exposes the thinking and concerns behind these out-of-this-world child and family situations that the rest of us - including family lawyers and courts - mostly just don't begin to realise." The first blog (click here) is called: "Dear Judge, life's perfect with this parent & I don't want any contact with the other one." We look forward to more. Here's a wide-ranging old blog and a new blog that have welcomed Nick's work here. FNFS soon featured the new webpage on its home page and emailing. Nick comments: Naturally FNF will have a major interest here, but 'everyone' in Scotland equally needs to learn more about these issues .. and debate them if they want. Nick spent many happy hours before he was satisfied with his handiwork. Then he shared the link with family lawyers and others he knows who have an interest, as well as a network of family therapists in Scotland. |
COMMENTSKeep up the good work! Can you help set up a group in Manchester? Great to hear from Scotland. about this international problem. The link has been shared with interested others in England - here's a family lawyer's blog link to it. A family lawyer kindly says what Nick has written is an "excellent and insightful article on a controversial topic ... and the reading list is excellent." |